PhD in Educational Psychology/Psychology Division

University of Tripoli - Department of Psychology



The program offers teaching units over the course of two semesters and the student submits a thesis in which he links the principles and concepts he has learned in educational psychology to the field of education, that is, employing learning theories in the field of education.


Developing concepts of educational psychology among learners.

Familiarizing students with the relationship between educational psychology, its theories, and education.

Strengthen students' understanding of the impact of critical thinking on education.

Developing students’ ability to conduct specialized research in the field of educational psychology.

Providing students with the knowledge necessary to make ethical decisions and choices in their role in educational psychology


y completion of the program the student will be able to:

Finding the relationship between educational psychology and the field of education

Designing educational evaluation tools and using them in the educational process.

Applying ethical principles in their field of work.

Developing students' thinking process.

Apply critical thinking skills in their field of work.

Conducting educational research in the field of educational psychology to serve the local community.

Certificate Rewarded

Doctorate of Philosophy in Educational Psychology

Entry Reuirements

Obtaining a master’s degree in the same specialty

Study Plan

The PhD in Educational Psychology/Psychology Division prepares students to qualify for PhD in Educational Psychology/Psychology Division. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 2 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 24 units, which include 3 units of general subjects, and 2 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
00000 03 Compulsory +

00601 data analysis 03 General +

This course deals with some statistical methods and applications in the SPSS program, represented in measures of relationship and correlation, in addition to introducing inferential statistics such as: statistical hypotheses, the concept of statistical significance, measurement errors, hypothesis errors - type I error, type II error, level of confidence, level of Significance, calculating percentage significance, and how to benefit from it, regression and analysis of variance, non-parametric measures, psychometric properties of tests, and employing the SPSS program to enter, analyze and interpret data.​

00602 Advanced research hall 03 General +

This course focuses on presenting concepts related to scientific research methods and distinguishing between them, introducing the concept of scientific research and its importance in scientific life, and summarizing the most important scientific research skills and characteristics, making it capable of preparing integrated research steps.

00613 Psychological studies on talent 03 Compulsory +

Identifying the issues and challenges related to the study of talent and creativity.2- Identify the latest contemporary trends in dealing with gifted and creative people.3- Learn about modern theories of talent and excellence4- Developing the skills of planning programs for the gifted.5- Mastering the foundations and programs of integrative diagnosis for the gifted6- Being able to know the foundations of mentoring the gifted.

00614 Cognitive psychology 03 Compulsory +

The course addresses the definition of cognitive psychology and its history. Attention and perception: the nature of attention and perception, visual perception and auditory perception. Mental imagery: dual encoding, rotation and mental scanning, neuron psychological evidence, theories of visual imagination, and presenting the most important theories of working memory and its components, long-term memory and its characteristics, information processing: encoding and retrieval, theories of fading. Interference, loss of memory, language, speech, thinking, problem solving, decision making, and creativity​

00616 قاعة بحث فى علم النفس التربوى 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to develop the student’s knowledge of the most important contemporary research and applied issues in the field of educational psychology, providing the student with a knowledge base and a theoretical basis for the different viewpoints on learning and its theories, and making comparisons between them with regard to the extent of the possibility of interpretation and proposing practical solutions to contemporary educational/learning issues. Preparing the student to have a good scientific background on the origins and development of scientific research in the field of learning and the latest findings in this field

00617 Abnormal psychology 03 Compulsory +

The course focuses on introducing learners to the historical development of the study of abnormality in human behavior, providing learners with knowledge of the goals and principles of abnormal psychology, identifying research methods in abnormal psychology, and presenting a number of psychological research and papers in the field of abnormal psychology.

61111 03 General +